Club Newsletter 22 (1 Mar 2020)
Last Week
On Monday we had the Focus group met and we shared different interpretations of Will’s images. Really interesting and a good learning opportunity. On Thursday 27 February we hosted the SCPF Print League, it was a good evening and the judge had some interesting points. Despite a pretty good result on the night, we have propped up the league, coming last in the league. We are better than that and must do better next season.
Next Week
On Monday we have an away match at Oakley. These are always enjoyable to attend and it is another opportunity to see other clubs work and hear what an independent judge thinks of them, and our own images. Should you be able to attend, it is worth getting there early as parking is difficult there.
On 5 March we have the AV competition. It would help if you could let me know if you are planning to enter, although this is not essential. The more entries the merrier. So far we have not had many entries, so each member can enter 2 AVI’s. Please either load them to the Dropbox (details issued by Will), or bring them on a memory stick or SD card, (ideally nothing else on the stick/card to make it easy to identify. Will has put out further guidance.
Coming Soon
Monday 9 March we have the next committee meeting. If there is any issue that you think the committee should address, please let me know.
Thursday 12 March, I will give a presentation featuring some of the images I have taken over the years. The presentation will be a blend of travel photos and documentary images. There will be images from Africa, the Falkland Islands, Hong Kong the far east.
7 of the 8 league matches have taken place. The good news is that we are still in the lead, albeit by only 1 point. A quick look at the results shows some interesting points, we have not won a single round, but are still in the lead. The table can be seen at
Technique Tip
I think that we all understand the importance of emotion in art, including photography, we want our images to create a response in those viewing them. A response beyond ‘that’s nice’ or worse ‘I see what the author is trying to do…’.This clip discusses light and emotion.
Non-APC Photo Opportunities
The Photography Show will be held in the NEC 14-17 March. These shows provide great opportunities to see new equipment and to attend talks and demos given by some of the best (including Sebastao Salgado). If you have not bought your ticket yet there are many sources of discount codes, but please consider using the code “PAGBTPS20” which will give a discount of 20%.
I was not aware of PAGB enews but it is a showcase for some of the best photographs in the organisation. It can be seen at:
The Willis Museum in Basingstoke has an exhibition of micro photography. I have yet to see it, but plan to do so before it closes in April. Details at: